Monday, December 1, 2014

I Am a Morbid Obesity Survivor... A term I coined to call myself

No Better Time than the Present! TODAY: I am a 44 year old, divorced and single Mom to three now teenagers. Seems odd to call them 'kids'. Especially when they're just not anymore. My twins will be 16 in February and my 'baby' will be 14 in April. Where does the time go? It flies away when you are just not expecting it. Even a day that seemingly drags is gone in an second. I am a Morbid Obesity Survivor. A term I coined to call myself. My top weight was over 400 lbs. Just imagine being over 400 lbs. No, actually, DON'T imagine. I now weigh a healthy 140 lbs. I am very proud of this accomplishment, but it is still very hard to admit my top weight. My healthy weight I'm very proud of. It was amazingly difficult to achieve but is getting easier now that I walk Every Day. Even on these cold, blustery days (it's only 8* out there!) I still walk around my home like it's a big treadmill. I'm thrifty that way. :D There was a time when it was difficult to just walk. I am very proud of myself and all that I have accomplished. I am also smoke-free. I used to smoke upwards of 3 packs a day. A DAY. Not any longer. Again, proud moment. I wasn't always proud of myself. I am divorced. That was the hardest thing I've ever went through. I have full custody of my three (almost grown) children. I have raised them solo. They are decent people. They are doing well in school, they're not in and out of trouble. I spoil them rotten, yet they're not. I have lots to share about those beauties. My days are spent raising them, cooking for them, cleaning for them. And most importantly, loving them. I have a beautiful kittie named Miss Biggie. I rescued her. She is great company for me. I also spoil her rotten. This is my blog. It's all about my life as it is now with some past thrown in and some dreams for the future. Just Color Me Cindy.